Graminway Gluten Free Quinoa Flour


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    Product Information

    Quinoa Flour is produced from Quinoa (kin-wah) which is a grain like crop derived from South America.Quinoa provides protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals in rich amounts above those of wheat, corn, rice, or oats. It is gluten-free.
    Quinoa can be eaten as a rice replacement, as a hot breakfast cereal. Quinoa flour can be mixed with maize or wheat flour for making bread and pasta, and it is used for making or baking biscuits, cakes, and pastries in general.



    Nutri Info

    Nutritional Analysis ( as per 100 gm )

    Energy (Kcal) 383.85
    Carbohydrates(g) 65.31
    Fiber (%) 12
    Fat(g) 7
    Protien(g) 14.8
    Sugar(%) Nill


    Best Before 6 Months from Manufacture, Store in Cool Dry place, Store in air tight container.